Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Backcountry Food Gear Review: Cookie Boy- Super Cookie

Many athletes are familiar with energy bars, and many backcountry hunters follow the philosophy of carrying light-weight, high-protein, high-energy food and snacks on their endeavors. Burning up energy in the backcountry without a way to replenish your body is the quickest way to tire-out and get mentally beat. When every day counts and every ounce of energy may be the difference between bagging a monster buck two canyons away or burning out and taking it easy, it is important to fuel your body with well balanced foods to keep on trucking.

I, like most people, really enjoy eating cookies. It is only natural. When I heard of a cookie on the market that could replace an energy bar I got really excited. When I actually tasted it for the first time I was hooked for life. If I never have to choke down a gritty energy bar again, I will be happy.

The Cookie Boy cookies are soft, delicious, and packed with protein and energy. They are all-natural, contain no preservatives and contain a balance of high-quality proteins, complex carbohydrates, and essential healthy fats that your body needs to perform. The cookie provides you with sustained energy and balances your blood sugar levels, not to mention provides the essential fuel needed to feed working muscles.

The best part about the Super Cookie is the taste. I really enjoy eating them, plus they are extremely filling. When I am out hunting, I like to eat something and not still feel hungry afterwards. The cookie is one of the best all-around energy foods I have found as far as taste, filling, and packed with essential energy.

This past hunting season I took the Super Cookies on every hunt. On my Backcountry hunt in Nevada, my brother Jason and I hiked to the summit to set up camp for the night. We were completely exhausted and too tired to even think of cooking a Mountain House® meal. We busted out some super cookies and actually felt good about eating a cookie for dinner.

I like the cookies on backcountry hunts (or any hunt) because they are more filling than granola bars or energy bars and they make a great snack or lunch substitute between meals. They help keep your energy up all day and the best part is they actually taste amazing. I have tried every flavor and have not found a bad one in the mix; however, toffee and chocolate-chip are hard to beat. They are priced great at $2.50 for a large cookie, which is huge!

For more information visit www.cookieboy.biz if you would like to
purchase some cookies go to http://www.cookieboy.biz/order/agora.cgi?product=supercookies

Friday, February 25, 2011

Wac'em Broadheads- Gear Review

As far as I am concerned the Wac'em Triton broadheads are the best broadheads on the market today. There are a lot of broadhead companies that have tried to emulate what Wac’em has had figured out for years. They make a strong, dependable, hard hitting, razor sharp replaceable blade broadhead that flies just like a field tip.

I have had nothing but positive results both in the field and at the range while using the Wac’em Triton.

At the Range: During the off-season I like to practice with both field tips and broadheads. From my bow there is absolutely no adjustment between the two. The Tritons shoot the same as my field tips even at ranges out to 80 yards. Of course your bow needs to be properly tuned but the broadhead is more than capable of flying consistently. It is extremely nice not to have to worry about adjusting your sight to switch between broadheads and field tips.

In the Field: Field tip accuracy plays a big role in my success in the field. When I let an arrow loose I like to have confidence that it is going to hit where I was aiming. The solid cut-on-impact tip makes the broadhead hit hard and keep doing its job whether you hit bone or not. I have had the arrow make a complete pass through even after hitting both bones in the front shoulder. Good penetration on a marginal shot can be the difference between a quick recovery and possibly not finding the animal.

Porduct Specifications:
•1 1/32" Cut Diameter
•.027" Replaceable Blades
•100% Hardened Stainless Steel
•Cut on Impact Head Sharpens on Any Flat Stone
•Available in 80, 100, and 125 grain

Overall: I give the Wac'em Triton 100 grain broadheads a 5 out of 5 for their accuracy and durability in the field.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Same Great Blog New Site- Follow the Hunt

I have a new address for my blog! it is www.followthehunt.com I will still post to this blog but for the latest updates go to www.followthehunt.com
Thanks for reading,
Remi Warren

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A River Bottom Wall to Wall with Whitetail

Being a western hunter, spot and stalk is primarily the way I hunt. In all the hunts I have done, I have only taken animals from the ground. I was excited about this Wyoming hunt in particular because I really wanted to harvest a deer out of a tree stand.

I have hunted from tree stands before but to no avail, this is mostly caused by my inability to stay seated for long. The first whitetail I ever took with my bow I was actually sitting in a tree stand that morning but got bored and decided to climb down and stalk in on the deer. However, this hunt was going to be different and I relished the idea of letting the deer come to me for a change.

After packing up my gear I hopped in my truck and headed to Wyoming to hunt whitetails with Jim Gibbs on his Ranch north of Sheridan along the Powder River. When I arrived I could tell right away this was going to be an outstanding hunt because I passed close to 1000 deer feeding in the fields on the way to his house. The last hunters in camp had all seen monster bucks and taken bucks over 140 inches.

Talking with Jim I could tell that there was no lack of deer in the area. The deer herd had not had blue tongue for over 12 years because of the programs they use to control the gnats and mosquitoes in the river bottoms. The buck to doe ratio in the area is close to 1 to 1 and last winter they counted over 1000 whitetails in only a few miles of river bottom. To say the area is unbelievable is an understatement. It really is something you have to see.

Having very limited time to hunt (because I was trying to finish building a new hunting lodge in Montana before the season 3 weeks after the hunt) I decided I would take the first decent buck I could so long as it was bigger than any other whitetail I have take with my bow.

Within 15 minutes of sitting in the stand the deer were headed my way. Jim had their patters on lock down because it was like a caribou migration of whitetail underneath my stand. The deer were moving from the fields in the morning to their bedding area for the day.

At least 100 deer passed under me within bow range during the hour and a half I sat there. I let quite a few bucks walk wanting to see what was out there. I had some really nice bucks come by, but I really wanted to get the kill on video. It would take a buck in the right position with enough time to adjust everything for me to capture the hunt myself.

After watching deer after deer go by I peered around my tree to see a nice 4x4 coming in. He was standing behind the tree at the juncture of two trails, one leading to the side my camera was set up on. My heart was beating and I began to get excited. I decided if he came in on the camera side of the tree I would take the shot.

Sure enough the buck picked the right trail. He walked out and I got the camera on him. He was really close. He was about 15 yards and I was afraid that he would see me so I tried to keep my movement to a minimum. The sun was shining right on the cameras screen so I had trouble telling if he was in the frame or not.

Once I got the camera on the buck he began to lick himself. I used this opportunity to draw back. Just as I got settled in for the shot he began to walk. I moved the camera with my knee still at full draw hoping he was still in the frame.

The moment of truth was coming, the buck was about to move out of my shooting lane. I grunted and the buck stopped in his tracks. I focused in behind the shoulder and let the arrow fly.

The arrow hit the buck square behind the shoulder; the buck took a hop and then went right back to what he was doing. I couldn’t believe it, it looked like a perfect shot yet the deer acted like it had never been touched. The deer had no clue he was hit. I had heard about that before but I have never actually witnessed anything like it.

The deer continued milling around and browsing like nothing had happened. I was sweating bullets, I may have hit a hair high but not enough to not still be a vital shot. The deer continued on for what seemed like an eternity, then all of the sudden he started to lose his feet and dropped right in his tracks, seventy yards from my stand.

I gave him a few minutes before climbing down the tree and checking the buck out. It was a great deer, especially for only hunting one morning. I could not believe the number of deer I had seen that day.

The rest of the day Jim showed me around his property, we saw some killer bucks not to mention half a dozen antelope bucks within bow range of the truck.

The next morning I headed out, having to get back to my building project in Montana as soon as I could (with a couple hour archery antelope pit stop back in Montana of course). All in all I was gone only three days and had one of the best, most laid back trips I had ever taken. It was definitely a hunt I would recommend over and over.